Yes finally it was the wetting part day!! Luckily I didn’t have to do this all alone As imagine all this wool wet … what a weight it would get??? wel I can tell you I didn’t weight it but 20 kg was nothing, carrying it with 2 people was heavy enoug…. but we managed.
Around 11 ‘o clock Reya and her daughter and Mariana Cilliberto came in and we started with, what plan I had… So we wetted the whole thing with hot water and pressing all the wool down.
me runningup and down the garden stairs to get hot water inside… first part of my workout today
The weather was nice , but way to much wind so we had to cover it with plastic. So finallay everything was wetted and liters of hot water were poored out. Now the next step: rolling the wool so it started to entangle.
Unfortunately Reya had to go home again, but before she left she took a great picture of Mariana and me , Thank you very much for that and ofcourse for your help!!
I wanted to add a layer of fabric underneath just to make sure. As I wasn’t conficdent my first 2 layesr of wool were thick enough to carry al l the weight of the locks.
So we unrolled the piece “upside down”and “Voila” the locks were down. On the fabric we placed a very thins layer of Gotland wool and oh boy was that diffycult to do. we had such a strong wind today…
After rolling it at the table, I decided to try and add the roll behind my Bicycle… something I have been thinking about for a week or so, inspired by the Mongolian people whom add their felt bundle behind a horse.
So I took my bicycle, the roll, a (bamboo) stick, some antislip cloth and a rope , adding it together and attached it to my bike
I came about 5 meters and them my bundel got mixed up with the ropes, so we had to think of something to improve. I saw a solution in adding another stick to keep the ropes at a certain distance , using my florist tape for that
and it worked!!!! Mariana also gave it a try and after opening it we pakced it all agai n and I cycled a little block: my street little flat, a street upwards and a street downwards
It worked just the corners were a little diffycult. One tip for you all whom are going to try this too, make sure You’ll not be seen by police as ofcourse this is too dangerous for when other cyclers or traffic wants to pass. I got a warning from someone for that….
After a block I unrolled it and rolled it into the other directions so every side was going to be felted. My kids and her friends wanted to help too se we did a fleting dance on the rug they loved it, “more soap , more soap Kim!! “
And then finally the rinsing part let’s see if it it felted well enoug…..
I hope I can show you the final dry result…
will be continued….